Monday, October 27, 2014

School Wide Feature: Language Arts module work

There is evidence of language arts module work in every classroom at Sexton Elementary School.  Not that it wasn't there last year, but maybe I am just excited that I know exactly what I am looking at this year and can identify what standards we are working on based on the work I am seeing.  But aside from that, everyone seems more confident in the work they are doing with their students and perhaps everyone is more confident in the work and for that reason it is displayed front and center in every classroom.  Whatever the case, our students will benefit from our awesome module work.  Here are some examples of what is evident across the campus: 

 Outside of Nicole Sackett's 3rd grade classroom is a series of guided writings.  Students have had the experience of reading multiple texts on topic and creating a opinion piece using text evidence.

 Students in Kelly Czarnecki's room have begun to compare text to video.

 Students in Tiffany Morra's room are learning how to use graphic organizers.  They don't know how to use it unless we teach them.

 Students in second grade have plenty of opportunities to interact with vocabulary throughout their module work.

 Graphic organizers are displayed and used to teach students how to organize the information they are learning.

There are processes in place to help students remember the procedures and steps for different ways to interact with text. 

I wish I was able to give the proper credit to each of the photos.  I have been collecting them over the last few weeks as I am in and out of classrooms and could not remember the location of each photo. 

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