Friday, August 22, 2014

A Sports Themed Classroom

Have you had the opportunity to visit Leanne Lapointe's classroom?  She is one of our fabulous fourth grade teacher's and her classroom is themed in a sport's theme.  Her students really buy into her theme and the team mentality.  While I know in our busy days we barely have time to visit the members of our grade level team, let alone someone who may be on the other side of the school, so here is a bit of what her students experience: 

The backdrop to Leanne's classroom is a football field.  Students are always excited to spend time reading back in this area. 

I can't wait to see what the student's will be doing with this bulletin board as the year progresses. 

Leanne has a behavior management chart just like many of our classrooms do, hers is a football themed chart.

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